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Upper Midwest Gathering 2000
The Rural Cruise on Sunday

The cheapest and most entertaining event of the whole weekend was the Rural Cruise.  I plotted out a course west of the Dells.  The course had plenty of twisty roads and we took some very scenic pics along the way.  Wow, what a blast!

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Thats Derek Hayes and Oskar is in front of him Very scenic roads.  Don't you wish you were there?
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John and I climbed up a hill to get a better angle. It kind of looks like I'm kicking him in the nads. This is the spot where we climbed the hill.   This pic is from the road. Thats me staring at the line of cars.  It goes: Curt, John, Dan, Mike, Scott, Vineet, Mark, Oskar, Derek H, Shawn, Derek G How about that angle??
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Hanging out while 5 of us are taking the pics before this one. I apoligize if I butcher your name: Derek G, Cheri, Shawn, Mike, Nancy, Trish, Curt, Stacy, Vineet, Scott, John, Chistine, Roxann, Dawn, Derek H, Dan, Mark, Emma, Jodi, Oskar, and Curt's car.
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Alec and Zack mountain climbing Lined up at the stop light at the beginning of the cruise At a park along the way
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A scenic overlook on a narrow road.
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Curt leading the way on this narrow road. This photo was taken while standing where my car is in the previous photo

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